Peace Art

Tausend Augen

Mike Mathes works in his studio in Saarlouis, in different places of the region and is and travels around the world to promote his peace art "Tausend Augen® for Humanity and living diversity".
Countries visited
painted eyes


Mike Mathes is known for his - mostly monumental - colorful works with countless eyes; however, there are many different projects besides, some of which have their own
Tell stories, partly to appeal to different people, but always shine a Tausend Augen® in different ways.

Inspired Eyes

Inspired eyes Hier entstehen frei assoziierte Augen-Kunstwerke im Zeichen meiner 2003 aus der Taufe gehobenen

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JPII – Requiem zum 1.Todestag Johannes Paul II. – Kunstaktion von Mike Mathes. Am Sonntag,

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In einem der zahlreichen Projekte an Schulen und Kindertagesstätten entwickelte sich die Idee, der Form

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1000 Tableaus

Mit dieser Kunstaktion ist es möglich, sich besonders kreativ, einzeln oder als Gruppe (Schule, Unternehmen

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Mike Mathes' community of supporters is just as large and diverse as his repertoire - and that across the globe. You can become a part of it and support Mike's intentions. Mike would like to take this opportunity to thank all participants and is looking forward to further beautiful projects.


Mike has been able to inspire many people around the globe for his artistic work and his peace art Tausend Augen. Over time, initial supporters developed into partnerships that opened up new perspectives and raised Mike's peace art to a new level. Mike Mathes would like to take this opportunity to express his sincere thanks for the many years of support and great cooperation.

Become part of the
worldwide peace art
by selecting the project
A Tausend Augen support

Sie haben die Möglichkeit Mike Mathes, die
Tausend Augen-Aktion und alle damit verbundenen
Projekte mit einem Sponsoring-Betrag zu unterstützen.


Mit Ihrem Sponsoring-Betrag unterstützen Sie das Projekt Tausend Augen®

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